I just said last week was the most orders ever... but...

...this week topped it by far!

Thanks to back-to-school sales, I reached my best ever sales week yet.

Grand Total: 64 sets of labels!

I cannot believe it is all in one week ~ Now I get to look forward to hand-writing all those wonderful thank-you notes to my customers. It is all worth it, I just love knowing these labels are spread all across America, making moms and teachers happy!

I think it really helped to introduce my new item, Full-Name Labels @ 30 qty./$6.50 (+ shipping). It was my best seller!

Thanks again to my great customers!


Sara said...

Oh, I want some, I will call you soon.

Heidi said...

That is amazing! Seriously, how do you keep track of it all?!! Great job, Kristin!