I'm going Hunting!

So, tomorrow I leave for Minnesooooo-ta! Yay!
I am really excited! Mark even said I could go hunting with him for one day, I think I'd rather go deal hunting at the mall, but maybe I will give it a shot after all! {ya like that pun? :)}
There is some great shopping in Sioux Falls, SD, and we'll see all the family out there, and Jen and the kids for sure! We sure miss them over here!
I gg pack, but see you in a week or so!

These are all the ladies that stayed for dinner at Chili's Saturday night after a long day of shopping in Michigan City, IN. Of course, I spent more than I planned to, but after all the figuring, got 65% off on average! I KNOW! So exciting! Love you guys!


Amy Barrett said...

YOu shop like I do. It's not the money you spend, it's the percentage off you saved! That method works much better!

Hunting??? A week??? Oh my! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers! ha.

Praise and Coffee said...

Looks like you had fun! I'm off to Birch Run this week.
I found you on Michigan Mama's.